Isnin, 21 Disember 2009
SeLaMaT berJUANG!!Jihad fi sabilillah..
Khamis, 17 Disember 2009
Nauzubillahiminzalik..ya Allah jauhkan drpd kami..
Seorang lelaki berwajah buruk berkulit hitam merangkak-rangkak dengan penuh seksa di lembah kotor itu. Bau hanyir menusuk ke hidung, dengan segera saya meutup hidung. Namun bau itu makin kuat. Lelaki buruk berwajah hitam legam, hingus meleleh di hidung mesipun sudah disapu berkali-kali, dan yang malangnya, ia telanjang bulat tanpa sebarang pakaian.
Ah, ia amat menjelekkan. Bukan hanya ia telanjang, bahkan lelaki yang lain, perempuan, mak nyah, pondan dan tomboi, semua bertelanjang dan sangat menjelekkan. Yang perempuan, air nanah meleleh keluar daripada kemaluan mereka. Yang lelaki, air kencing mereka berdarah dan berketul-ketul. Mereka membuang air kecil dengan penuh seksa dan meraung kepedihan.
Lelaki yang merangkak-rangkak itu dihidangkan makanan. Saya mengintai dari kejauhan. Aduh, hidangannya adalah najis lembu yang masih cair dan dihurungi lalat. Najis hitam itu bercampur dengan air kencing lembu yang kuning-kekuningan. Saya muntah dibuatnya. Lelaki itu mengambil najis lalu disuap ke mulutnya dengan lahap. Ia muntah, namun dimakan terus tanpa henti.
Seksanya, hanyirnya. Tiba-tiba suasana menjadi pegun. Terdengar suara yang penuh garau dan menakutkan, “Wahai manusia terkutuk, tahukah kamu neraka Hawiyah? Itulah neraka yang apinya menjulang-julang.”
Saya terpandang sepasang lelaki dengan perempuan. Si perempuan itu mengumpulkan nanah yang keluar daripada kemaluannya lalu diberikan kepada lelaki. Ia minum dengan rakus, kemudian muntah keluar. Yek, jelek sekali. Kemudian si lelaki bangun berdiri dan kencing sedangkan perempuan itu menadah mulutnya. Wek, saya muntah di situ juga.
“Wahai penzina yang berbangga dengan kemaluannya di dunia, rasakan kamu air nanah dan najis pasangan kamu. Apa yang kamu banggakan di dunia adalah kehinaan di akhirat.”
Sekumpulan manusia bertelanjang berhidung babi dihidangkan dua jenis makanan. Makakan yang baik dan makanan yang jelek. Namun mereka seolah-olah tidak nampak makanan yang baik itu. Mereka menerkam ke arah makanan jelek, yang dihurungi cacing dan lalat. Baunya seperti bau najis ayam. Ia busuk sekali. Mereka makan dengan lahap kemudian bergaduh sesama mereka.
“Wahai pemakan riba, kamu mengetahui bahawa riba merupakan kemurkaan di sisi Allah. Allah telah menyediakan ruang mencari rezeki yang baik untuk kamu namun kamu memilih riba.”
Saya ketakutan. Ya Allah, di alam manakah aku ini sebenarnya. Seketika, saya melihat kejauhan. Seorang yang kelihatan soleh. Wajahnya tampak kuat beribadat. Ia diperintahkan ke sebuah taman yang indah. Namun, baru sahaja ia melangkah, kakinya dipegang erat oleh seseorang.
“Ya Allah, janganlah Kamu masukkan ia ke dalam taman keindahan itu. Ia seorang berilmu, namun ia tidak menyampaikannya kepada kami. Ia seorang naqib, namun ia tidak pernah berusrah dengan kami. Ia seorang pemimpin, namun ia tidak pernah membimbing kami. Ia seorang kuat ibadah, namun tidak pernah menunjuki kami. Masukkan ia ke neraka Ya Allah.”
Saya terus menangis. Seorang naqib? Ya, saya seorang naqib. Apakah seorang naqib seperti saya, yang tidak melakukan usrah akan dicampakkan ke dalam lembah orang telanjang itu? Saya menggeletar ketakutan.
Saya melihat sekumpulan wanita. Mereka sedang mengerumuni satu hidangan. Saya mengintai jauh-jauh. Alangkah, mereka sedang meratah daging mayat manusia. Mereka melapah daging manusia itu hidup-hidup. Siapakah mereka itu Wahai Tuhan?
Saya tambah menggigil apabila melihat salah seorang daripada mereka. Itu adalah saudara saya. Ia seorang yang berbai’ah dengan perjuangan Islam dan mencintai perjuangan. Mengapa ia turut berada dalam kelompok terkutuk itu.
“Itulah kumpulan wanita yang suka mengumpat dan menyebarkan fitnah. Mereka memperjuangkan Islam. Namun dalam masa yang sama, mereka suka sekali menaburkan fitnah dan mengumpat.”
Satu suara menjelaskan kepada saya.
Ya Allah, saya mengerti. Ini kisah benar. Saya mendengar dari rakan saya sendiri. Apabila seorang muslimah berkenan dengan seorang muslimin, dan muslimah itu meminta bantuan daripada rakannya menjadi orang tengah. Malangnya, orang tengah itu bukannya menjalin ikatan bahkan menaburkan fitnah.
Ya Allah, saya berharap cerita ini bukannya mengumpat dan menaburkan fitnah, bukan juga menyebarkan keburukan orang lain.
Seorang ahli pejuang Islam, keluar berdua-duaan dengan muslimah yang turut pejuang Islam. Berpegangan tangan. Menunggang motosikal bersama-sama. Nah, kepada mereka kita ingatkan, Peluklah pasangan kamu itu di atas motor seerat-eratnya, namun harus kamu ingat, yang kamu peluk itulah yang akan menghirup nanah yang keluar dari kemaluan kamu.
Na’uzubillah, Ajirna minannar.
Saya keanehan. Mengapa seorang lelaki boleh mempercayai seorang perempuan yang sanggup menyerahkan tangan untuk dipegang, kulit untuk dibelai menjadi isterinya? Bolehkah perempuan itu dipercayai untuk menjadi ibu kepada anaknya?
“Darah haid,” saya berpaling ke belakang. Seorang tua bertongkat merapati saya. " Darah haid, apa maksud atuk"
Orang tua itu menunjukkan saya ke satu arah. Terbeliak mata saya melihatnya. Sekumpulan lelaki dihidangkan air berupa darah haid yang baru sahaja keluar daripada seorang perempuan.
“Darah haid itu adalah untuk orang yang memuja perempuan sehingga lalai daripada mengingati Allah,”
~Perkongsian Oleh Mohd Dzul Khairi Mohd Noor
Isnin, 23 November 2009
Warkah buat Hawa~dr iluvislam~
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Selasa, 11 Ogos 2009
NETOMANIA #@%&*.....??

Netomania ??? In my first thinking when I heard about Netomania, I taught that it is one of the serious disease occurred in certain people. After I had searched the information, Netomania is one of the internet addiction disorder.
Netomania is one of the serious internet addiction disorder. The Internet itself is a neutral device originally designed to facilitate research among academic and military agencies. How some people have come to use this medium, however, has created a stir among the mental health community by great discussion of Internet addiction. Addictive use of the Internet is a new phenomenon which many practitioners are unaware of and subsequently unprepared to treat. Some therapists are unfamiliar with the Internet, making its seduction difficult to understand. Other times, its impact on the individual’s life is minimized.
Netomania crosses the line into a psychiatric disorder when people can not control their own use of the internet. One example is when they are spending abnormal amounts of time on-line. Some netaholics will spend up to 100 hours a week surfing, to the exclusion of other activities, their family, and sometimes even their jobs. There is even the Netaholic Diet. People lose weight because they do not want to stop surfing, even to eat. Getting them to turn off their modem is like asking them to pull the plug on a loved one.
There are other electronic addictions. Addiction to Video Lottery Terminals for example. Television Addiction, Computer Addiction. Usually when there is a problem, of course there have a causes, symptoms, consequences and also treatment. There are a few of causes and symptoms of Netomania. One symptom of Internet addiction is excessive time devoted to Internet use. A person might have difficulty cutting down on his or her online time even when they are threatened with poor grades or loss of a job. There have been cases reported of college students failing courses because they would not take time off from Internet use to attend classes.
Other symptoms of addiction may include lack of sleep, fatigue, declining grades or poor job performance, apathy, and racing thoughts. There are a few negative consequences of a person that had been addicted by internet addiction disorder. Usually, there will faces some familial, academic and occupational problem. Now, there is many treatment to solve this problem which are:
• Opposite Side
• External Stoppers
• Setting Goals
• Abstinence
• Reminder Cards
• Personal Inventory
• Support Groups
• Family
For more information please click the link:
Selasa, 14 Julai 2009
Ahlan Wasahlan UiTM...

First of all, thank you to ALLAH for giving me a chance to write a bit of my experience in UiTM. And the story goesss……
27 June 2009
Today is the Registration Day. My family and I decided to register in UiTM a bit late because the journey to UiTM only takes one hour. I was a bit confused with the procedure of the registration. Luckily, one of the senior helped me. I went to my new room which is 1B-02-23. I will be staying at Mawar College for the past 4 or 5 months. Surprisingly, my friends back in my matriculation are in the same room as mine. They are Wardati Solehah and Farah. We chit chatted for a while and not long after; I cleaned the room and unpacked.
At 2.30 p.m new students had to attend a talk in HEP hall. The talk was conducted by seniors, and they told us about their details. They also had known as PM-"Pembantu Mahasiswa". So, in a MMS-"Minggu Mesra Siswa", they would guide and helped us to adapt the new surrounding here.
MMS started from 28th June 2009 until 3rd July 2009. MMS or Orientation Week was the most exhausted week ever. Mainly because every each day, we had activities planned for us. It was however, the MMS schedule was not too pack, because we did some time to do something else. Most of the activities were held in DSB-"Dewan Seri Budiman" and Annex Hall.
My college sweet college; Mawar (Rose)
Mawar is one of the colleges that locate many students and is quite far from the DSB and Annex Hall. We had to take bus, provided by UiTM. The funny thing was, even though the bus is big enough but the students’ amount is larger than the size itself. ”da jadi macam ikan sardin da”, said some of the students..LOL!!. The seats were fully utilized by students who took the bus earlier and those who got into bus a little later, had to stand and had to stand closely. Would you imagine how packed the bus was? Well, personally, I take it as one of the preparation to live in a campus life. And the situation will be a routine for every student in the campus especially for us, the Part 1 students. We have no choice unless we take an alternative way which is walk!. Plus, walking, in a way, is an exercise, a good one..isn’t it? LOL!!
A week in UiTM teaches me new things. One of the new things is the area of UiTM. For me UiTM is quite big compared to what I’ve experienced during Matriculation. UiTM Shah Alam is the main campus and has 25 faculties. It takes me quite a long period to remember the whole campus. In a week I am still cannot catch up the route of UiTM. The environment is the next thing in list and is different with the matriculation and school. I need to take my time to adapt with this new environment, new course, new subjects, new friends and much much more things. Even though I do not get the course I applied earlier, but I know ALLAH is more knowledgeable regarding this; what is the best for me. In Al-Quran.
He said:
“some time the thing we want is not the best for us and sometimes the thing that we do not want is the best for us"-(AL-Baqarah: 216).
InsyaALLAH, I will try my best to adapt the new life in UiTM. Pray for me.. (^^)v~